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Frequently Asked Questions About the Dark Web

WHAT IS THE DARK WEB? The dark web is a hidden universe contained within the “deep web”— a sub-layer of the internet that is hidden from conventional search engines. The surface web today makes up only 4% of the internet. It stores only 19TB of data. Imagine how tiny it is in comparison to the […]

What Makes A Strong Password? And Why Do I Need One?

Think about some of your private accounts right now. Chances are that you have an email account, social media accounts, bank account and more that are all password protected. Do you share passwords across different accounts, and are your passwords strong enough to keep cybercriminals away from your private information? If not, it might be […]

The K-12 Cyber Incident Map

Every year, Ed Tech Strategies, a Virginia-based research and counsel consultancy, published a K–12 Cyber Incident Map– an interactive visualization of cybersecurity-related incidents affecting K–12 public schools and districts in the United States. Since January 1, 2016, U.S. K-12 public schools and districts were reported to have experienced at least 1,331 cyber security-related incidents resulting in the disclosure […]

Trick or Treat: 5 Cybersecurity Tips Just in Time for Halloween


With Halloween just a week away, now is the perfect time to review ways to keep the monsters away from your network! It’s important to stay on top of your school’s cybersecurity protocols throughout the year, or else you could find yourself being haunted by cyber thieves. Here are some of our favorite K-12 cybersecurity […]

Take the October Cybersecurity Challenge & Win $100!

cybersecurity awareness month

Who says cybersecurity can’t be fun?! Test your knowledge with a fun mix of cybersecurity and fall harvest trivia. Check the leaderboard to see how your knowledge stacks up. The contest ends on October 31st. Winners will be announced early November. You can play online at:

4 Employee Personality Traits that Could Threaten Your Cybersecurity!

Cybersecurity Employee Personality Threats

To celebrate Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we’ve compiled a list of four employee cyber personalities to help you identify potential areas of improvement for your company’s cybersecurity strategies. Cybersecurity is a serious topic, but we can still have fun while learning about it. Cybersecurity threats come in many forms, and there are no easy fixes to […]

Back To School! The 4 Cyber Security Trainings You Must Do With ALL Employees

Back to School Cybersecurity Training

It’s back-to-school season! Soon, our kids will return to the classroom, where they will relearn the information from the prior school year to ensure that they were able to retain that knowledge. There’s nothing wrong with needing a refresher, and this is true for both students and your employees. If your staff has not had […]

Tips for Implementing Effective Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Cybersecurity Awareness Training Tips

Until recently, most organizations would impart security awareness training as lectures using a slide deck. They typically conducted these training sessions once a year or once during induction. However, these sessions proved ineffective because of their uninteresting nature and lack of follow-up sessions.  If you intend to develop a security-focused culture, implementing robust security awareness […]

Be Cautious of These 3 Cybersecurity Threats

3 Cybersecurity Threats for K-12 Schools

If you’re responsible for your school’s technology infrastructure, you’re probably aware of some of the different methods that cybercriminals will use to try to steal sensitive information. But there are some new threats making headlines. A recent report from CyberCatch saw the cybersecurity platform provider review 20,000 randomly selected organizations in the U.S. for vulnerabilities […]

How to Make Cybersecurity Awareness Second Nature for Your K-12 School

Cybersecurity Awareness Training for Schools

In order to be effective, your school’s cybersecurity program has to start from the top-down and include all employees. It’s no longer enough to depend entirely on your IT department to jump in to the rescue whenever there’s a breach. It’s imperative to have strong security policies in place that are well-thought-out and clearly documented […]