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FCC Proposes New Funding Initiative for K–12 Cybersecurity

FCC Proproses New Cybersecurity Funding for K-12 Schools

The Federal Communications Commission’s chairwoman states that the program, valued at $200 million over three years, will operate independently from E-rate funding. FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel has recently unveiled a proposition for a pilot program spanning three years and amounting to $200 million. This initiative aims to provide funding for the integration of cybersecurity technologies […]

If you’ve ever said this, you’re ASKING to be hacked!

Is your school asking to be hacked?

Want to know what every hacker hopes you believe? “We’re just a school…nobody wants to hack us.” This is the #1 reason why most schools get hacked. They dismiss the importance of IT security because they’re only a “school.” This is a lazy, irresponsible excuse. One thing is for certain: NO ONE is immune to […]

Everything You Need to Know About the $1B Homeland Cybersecurity Grant for K-12 Schools

The State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program can be used to address cybersecurity risks or threats on information systems owned or operated by school districts to support best cybersecurity practices, such as multi-factor authentication, enhanced logging, and data encryption. The cybersecurity funding will be available through the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program, which states […]

IT Security Tip: If this type of alert pops up, DON’T click on it!

You’re working at your computer when all of the sudden – BAM! – you get a pop-up notification that your PC is infected with a virus and you must “click here” to run a scan or install antivirus software. This is a common scareware tactic used by hackers to get you to click and download […]

How to Secure Your Information After a Dark Web Alert

How to Secure Your Information After a Dark Web Alert

Your credentials have been compromised on the dark web… What are your next steps?! The reality is, once exposed on the dark web, your information can’t ever be completely removed or hidden. You cannot file a complaint or contact a support line to demand your data be removed. You should immediately start taking appropriate steps […]

IT Security Tip: Staying Secure in a Social Media World

Staying Secure in a Social Media World

The age of social media has let millions of people reconnect and stay up-to-date with family members, friends, ex-in-laws and acquaintances. It also continues to shape how we all communicate with each other. It’s important to keep a few things in mind before you check your newsfeed. There is no delete button on the Internet. […]

Does My School Need an “Incident Response” Plan?

Technology Incident Response Plan

An incident response plan is an organized approach to addressing the aftermath of a security breach or cyber-attack. Certain industries, like educational, medical, and financial institutions absolutely should have one. But even if you don’t have a lot of sensitive information, it’s best to have SOME idea of what you would do if a cyber-attack […]