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April 2nd Webinar: Secure Student Data and Ensure Email Compliance with Trustifi

In today’s digital-first education landscape, safeguarding student data and achieving compliance with federal and state regulations like FERPA and NYS Ed Law 2-D are paramount. This concise guide offers insights into the cyber threats targeting educational institutions, outlines strategies for robust data protection, and highlights how Trustifi’s email security solution empowers schools to meet these […]

NYSED Website Privacy Monitoring: 10 Easy Pitfalls to Avoid

NYSED Website Privacy Monitoring 10 Easy Pitfalls to Avoid

In 2023, NYSED’s Office of Data Privacy & Security monitored the websites of 115 school districts and 5 charter schools, finding that most of these organizations were eager to comply with privacy requirements and provide the necessary information to parents and eligible students. However, in their enthusiasm, some schools and districts overloaded their websites with […]

What is E-Rate? Everything You Need to Know

What is e-rate?

E-Rate, also known as the Schools and Libraries Program of the Universal Service Fund, is a federal program in the United States that provides discounts on telecommunications and internet services to eligible schools and libraries. The program was established as part of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and is administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), under the oversight of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

IT Security Tip: Staying Secure in a Social Media World

Staying Secure in a Social Media World

The age of social media has let millions of people reconnect and stay up-to-date with family members, friends, ex-in-laws and acquaintances. It also continues to shape how we all communicate with each other. It’s important to keep a few things in mind before you check your newsfeed. There is no delete button on the Internet. […]